General Terms and Conditions of Use (GTCU) 

 1. Presentation of the website Welcome to Jakarts. These General Terms and Conditions of Use (GTCU) govern access to and use of our e-commerce site, which can be accessed at 

 2. Acceptance of the GCU By accessing and using our site, you accept these GTC in their entirety. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use our site. 

 3. Use of the site 

 3.1 Access to the site: Access to the site is free of charge. The costs of access and use of the telecommunications network shall be borne by the user, in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by his access providers telecommunications operators. 

 3.2 Registration: To place an order, the user may create an account. The user undertakes to provide accurate and up-to-date information. The user is responsible for the confidentiality of his/her login and password. 

 3.3 User behaviour: The user undertakes to use the site in accordance with the laws and regulations in force. It is forbidden to use the site for illicit or fraudulent purposes. 

 4. Products and services 

 4.1 Product descriptions: Product descriptions and illustrations are provided for information only. We endeavour to ensure that they are accurate, but we cannot guarantee that they are always perfectly faithful. 

 4.2 Availability: Products are offered while stocks last. In the event of unavailability, we will inform the user as soon as possible. 

 5. Orders and payments 5.1 Ordering process: The user may place an order by following the steps indicated on the site. Once the order has been placed, a confirmation e-mail will be sent. 

 5.2 Prices and payment: Prices are quoted in [currency] and include applicable VAT. Payment can be made by the means offered on the site (credit card, PayPal, etc.). 

 6. Delivery 

 6.1 Delivery times: Delivery times are indicated on the site and vary depending on the destination. We endeavour to respect these times, but cannot guarantee them. 

 6.2 Delivery charges: Delivery charges are payable by the user and are specified when the order is placed. 

 7. Right of withdrawal and returns 

 7.1 Right of withdrawal: In accordance with the law, the user has a period of 14 days to exercise his/her right of withdrawal without having to justify his/her decision or pay any penalties. 

 7.2 Return of products: Products must be returned in their original condition and complete. The cost of returning products is borne by the user, except in the case of a defective product or an error on our part. 

 8. Liability We shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from the use of the Internet (loss of data, intrusion, virus, breakdown in service, etc.). We cannot be held liable in the event of force majeure. 

 9. Intellectual property rights All elements of the site (text, images, graphics, logos, etc.) are the exclusive property of JAKARTS. Any unauthorised reproduction or use is strictly prohibited. 

 10. Personal data We respect the confidentiality of our users' personal data. Please consult our Privacy Policy for more details. 

 11. Modification of the GTCU We reserve the right to modify these GTCU at any time. Users will be informed of changes by notification on the site or by e-mail. 

 12. Applicable law and jurisdiction These GCU are subject to FRANCE law. In the event of a dispute, the courts of Paris shall have exclusive jurisdiction. We are obliged to inform the consumer of the possibility of having recourses competent mediation mechanism in the event of a dispute in France (articles L.211-3 et L.616-1 du code de la consommation).